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T-Ball (Internal DCLL): 

  • Format: Our T-Ball division is for our youngest players.  T-Ball is a non-competitive division serving as an introduction to baseball and focusing on fundamentals. 

  • Team Placement: There are no evaluations for this division, players are assigned to teams based on birthdate (a process recommended by Little League).  All games will be played against other Dallastown teams.  

Hybrid (Internal DCLL):  

  • Format: Our player/coach hybrid division is a stepping stone between our introductory t-ball division and our 100% player pitch division.  This is a developmental division.  Rules for this division can be found here: 

  • Team Placement: There are no evaluations for this division, players are assigned to teams based on birthdate and previous playing experience.

  • Games/Practices: Teams will have multiple practices/week for the first few weeks of the season then transition to two practices and one game/week for the next 2-3 weeks, and finally to two games/week for the final two weeks of the season.  All games will be played against other Dallastown teams.  

8U 100% Player Pitch (Little League): 

  • Format: This division is 100% player pitch for 8U players.  Teams will follow Little League D14 "Clarence Boyd" modified rules. Games are 4 innings.  

  • Team Placement: There will be evaluations for this division, teams will be placed via draft.  After evaluations, players may be recommended to move down (to hybrid) or up (to Minors) based on skill level.

  • Games/Practices: Teams will have multiple practices/week for the first few weeks of the season, then 2 games/week through the end of the season.  Games will be played against other Dallastown teams as well as other local LL teams if possible.

10U Minors AA/AAA (Little League): 

  • Format: This division is 100% player pitch for 10U players.  Both divisions play on a standard LL field, 46’ pitching distance and 60’ bases.  AA teams will follow modified District 14 Little League AA rules, 5 inning games.  AAA teams will follow full Little League Minors rules. 46' pitching distance and 60' base paths. Games are 5 innings.  

  • Team Placement: There will be evaluations for this division, teams will be placed via draft. Players will be drafted to AA (younger, recreational) or AAA (older, competitive) division based upon evaluations.  Players may also be recommended to move down (to 8U) or up (to Majors) based on skill level.  

  • Games/Practices: Teams will have multiple practices/week for the first few weeks of the season, then 2 games/week through the end of the season.  Games will be played against other Dallastown teams as well as other local LL teams.

12U Majors (Little League):  

  • Format: This is our competitive division for 12U players.  This division plays on a standard LL field, 46’ pitching distance and 60’ bases.  Teams will follow full Little League rules.  

  • Team Placement:  There will be evaluations for this division, teams will be placed via draft. Undrafted 11 year olds may be assigned to AAA in accordance with District 14 rules.  

  •  Games/Practices: Teams will have multiple practices/week for the first few weeks of the season, then 2 games/week through the end of the season.  Games will be played against other Dallastown teams as well as other local LL teams.

13U Intermediate (Little League): 

  • Format: Our intermediate teams are the first level to play on a larger field, with 50’ pitching distance and 70’ bases. This division is typically for 13-year olds, but is also appropriate for younger players who already play travel baseball on a larger field.  Teams will follow full Little League rules.  

  • Team Placement:  There will be evaluations for this division, teams will be placed via draft. Undrafted 11 and 12 year olds may be assigned to Majors in accordance with District 14 rules.  

  •  Games/Practices:  Teams will have multiple practices/week for the first few weeks of the season, then 2 games/week through the end of the season.  Games will be played against other Dallastown teams as well as other local LL teams.

14U Juniors (Little League): 

  • Format:  This is the first division with a full 90' field. This division can range in "league age" from 13 to 15 years old.  Teams will follow full Little League rules.  

14U and 16U (York County):  

  • Format:  These divisions are non-LL and will participate in the York County Baseball league.  The teams will play on full 90’ fields.  Games begin in May and run through July.  

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